I carry out an autobiogeographical artistic research that manifests itself through intersections between the social, the ancestral and the spiritual I go through black feminism to cross the decolonial, seeking to affirm a possible Afro-diasporic Amerindian place from ancestral futuristic yearnings An Idea place that builds in art and with art the possibility to apprehend reality with REconnections with existence, with the earth, nature and healing from the archetypical, oneiric, astral, My processes recognize how biological issues have been conditioned to demands from social constructions of oppression, so my practices contain the intention of HEALING, self-healing and collective social healing I am part of the national uprising TROVOA (2019 2020), of black and non-white women artists. Together with the Aláfia Collective (GO) I participated in the co-curatorship of the exhibition DAS ÁGUAS SE FAZ TEMPESTADE at the FAV UFG Gallery.